“We are committed to getting you the Better, the Smarter and the More alternatives to packaging . Browse our vast selections and pack it right only with BSM.”

Established in 2006, PT. Belcindo Sinar Mulia has since gained reputation across the nation as one of Indonesia's leading plastic packaging company. Our company specialized in food service packaging of assorted materials. Our humble journey began with PET, PP, PS assortments of thermoformed and vacuum formed products. Later, we have expanded into CFC-free Styrofoam packaging. Our newest member of the family is our new line of paper products.

In the current hightly competitive market, we understand the need for sanitary and affordable packaging and we commit to bring consumers the best of both worlds through continuous product innovation and improved customer service. At BSM, we help you achieve better results without having to compromise quality.


Sejak tahun 2006, PT. Belcindo Sinar Mulia telah manjadi salah satu produsen packaging plastik ternama di Indonesia. Kami bergerak khususnya di bidang kemasan makanan, dengan berbagai macam bahan. Perjalanan kami dimulai dengan variasi packaging menggunakan thermoforming dan vakum-forming PET, PP dan PS. Selang waktu, kami menambahkan ragam produk dengan styrofoam bebas CFC dan perluasan terbaru kami, kemasan kertas.

Didalam pasar yang kompetitif, kami mengerti akan kebutuhan kemasan yang higienis dengan harga yang terjangkau, dan kami berkomitmen untuk membawa konsumen yang terbaik malalui inovasi produk dan peningkatan layanan. Di BSM, kami membantu Anda mencapai hasil yang lebih baik, tanpa harus megurangi kualitas.